Yesterday, running my errands at a clip that was very necessary to adhere to, I found myself in downtown Decatur at the start of an oncoming train stop. This was not what I needed at the moment.
Particularly because, if you can picture this, I was the second car in the right lane who wanted to make a right turn. Which would have been easy to do, if it weren't for the car in front of me whose intention was to go straight. Which they couldn't do, because of said train stop.
Frustration began to mount, because I couldn't stop thinking, "If only they'd been one lane over to the left... I'd be clear and on my way..."
And so my pondering on this went for 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes...
Big Boy had been snoozing in the backseat, but awakened.
"OOOOhhhhhh... a train!!" he exclaimed.
"Yes, Baby, it's a train," I responded to my avid Thomas The Tank Engine fan.
"Look at all the troublesome trucks!" he noted.
I have been, for the last five minutes, I thought to myself.
"They're going to the Island of Sodor!" he went on.
Not likely, but I won't burst your bubble, my thoughts went on silently. "Maybe so, Sweetie."
"This is GREAT!" he exclaimed.
I turned and looked at him, and his eyes were big as saucers watching this train go by. By this time, we were at the 7 minute mark of this impromptu boxcar parade, and something in observing his glee changed up my mood.
It occurred to me that I had my camera in my purse, so I took it out, and determined that for however much longer this took, I would capture it on film.
"Get that one, Mommy! And that one!" Big Boy began directing me, as I just let it all go and snapped away.
And soon, after a mere 12 minutes out of the history of time had passed, the gates lifted, the light turned green, the car in front of me proceeded forward, and I was able to make my right hand turn and move along my now merrier way. But not before I was able to capture one perfect shot of the train's end.
"Let me see, Mommy. Let me see!" Big Boy pleaded, and at the next light, I cued the camera's review mode and let him see the fruits of our shoot.
"Whoa..." he said in utter pride and amazement. Right back at ya, Kid. I thought.
Childlike wonder that can derail adulthood-induced irritation, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Have a great Father's Day weekend!