Great reads, great conversations, great insights, great experiences. An all-around great day has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Have a terrific weekend!
Great reads, great conversations, great insights, great experiences. An all-around great day has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Have a terrific weekend!
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
11:36 PM
Here's what was referenced and added to The Thanks Ranks:
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
1:59 PM
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
10:44 PM
To my friend Rubina and her brothers, who've invested in a Flying Biscuit restaurant:
For bringing the Love Cakes (yum-yum!) and a stellar "Friends and Family" pre-opening event to Marietta that I'm still savoring, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Congrats and Happy Grand Opening!
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
6:25 PM
If you've been a part of this Thanks Ranks community for even a little while, you know I read a variety of magazines. 4 WD Magazine is not one of them.
But after being out and about today, maybe some time in the future it will be, thanks to friendly Mallory & Evans Commercial & Industrial HVAC Service guy.
Parked next to his F250 XL Super Duty this morning as I unloaded Baby Girl and he unloaded his ladder, I was given the 411 from him that if ever I needed to buy a replacement engine for my 4Runner, there is a company in California that advertises in the backpages of 4WD that still makes them available.
Apparently my truck's year has a sweet engine, the likes of which have never been made since.
I did not know. But I bet I would have if I'd read 4WD.
If friendly Mallory & Evans Commercial & Industrial HVAC Service guy's demeanor is any indicator of his skill and work ethic, the company with the felled air conditioning is sure to be up and running in no time, with them feeling all the bettter for encountering him-- just as I did.
I've had fleeting, long-range thoughts of this truck being the kids' "practice car" once they become of driving age. For giving me this nugget of information and other upkeep tips that may very well cause my plans to come to fruition: friendly Mallory & Evans Commercial & Industrial HVAC Service guy, in truck CN208508, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
1:00 PM
(Sorry to be late with this. Yesterday evening Hubby-Honey and I attended our very first PTA meeting at Big Boy's school, and then one thing led to another and I crashed and fell asleep.)
Here's what was referenced and added to The Thanks Ranks:
* My new BlogTalk Radio friends, fellow show hosts Lisa Padilla (despite it still not showing up that we are--what's up BTR? ;-) ) and Diane Randall.
* Darned if I can't find that link for the guy who shot the documentary that first schooled me on the Jena 6. I'll keep looking. YouTube now has 600+ videos on the matter.
* Anna Lappe and Bryant Terry for their book, GRUB: ideas for an urban organic kitchen, that has turned my household on its head and enlightened me immensely.
* "My first mind" and all the adventures I'm having with going with it.
* Sakena, for sharing with me the miraculous story of Nancy and baby Naomi Pierre's testimony, and to their family for sharing it:
* You, for praying for and keeping my friend in your thoughts. When I spoke to her husband later in the day, he shared that she'd made it through her 3-hour surgery well, the doctors were optimistic they'd gotten all of the tumor, and that while recovering in ICU (which was anticipated), she did speak to him for a few moments.
If you so desire, you can click on the player to the left to hear this week's show in its 30 minute entirety. For earlier shows, check out the Thanks Ranks Radio archives at the new and improved
Happy Weekend!
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
9:36 AM
I wish my recent posts offered a little more variety than that of illness and all things related, but hey, what can I say? Such has been the central stuff of my life for the last, what, three weeks now?
Hubby-Honey, with the benefits of going out of the house to work and not having to set foot in Big Boy's school, had been managing to remain unscathed by this "flu-like-cold-respiratory-bronchial-allergy-thing" that the rest of us have been cycling through--until yesterday.
"The tickle" made a visit to his throat. Oh, no! Please sweet Jesus. There is nothing worse than Hubby-Honey getting sick. He's like most men--when he goes down, the world stops spinning on its axis. Running myself ragged taking care of the babies when they're ill is light action compared to caring after him. I do it with love, but cheese and crackers! ;-)
Recognizing that I'm right now only at 65% and I need to be at 110 when duty calls to take care of him, I went off to Whole Foods (just after a--thankfully--good report follow-up pediatrician visit for Big Boy) to see about getting something, perhaps by way of echinacea, to beat this thing back until I am stronger to deal with it.
The aisle offerings were dizzying. I didn't know where to turn. Out of nowhere stepped in Jill, and after explaining to her my mission, she nodded knowingly and suggested Gaia Herbs Quick Defense. She said she'd used it herself, highly recommended it, and that it had been flying off the shelves through word-of-mouth. After she'd engaged Big Boy in conversation and remarked that he and her father shared the same first name, I said I'd go with it.
She told us to come back and let her know how it worked. Now that Big Boy has a new best friend in "Ms. Jill", you can best believe he'll keep me to that.
16 hours since his first dose, Hubby Honey appears to be stabilized. I'll be checking in with him soon to make sure he takes his next administration. A text message is something I can manage, even at 65%. :-)
Jill and Gaia Herbs, for seemingly buying me some time before having to assume my full-on "Nurse Betty meets Nuclear Apocalypse" position, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
10:24 AM
(Been so long... I'm missin' you, Baby.) :-)
If you've been reading this blog for any amount of time, you know I've been increasingly making use of my camera. What you see here is only the tip of the iceberg of the pictures I take.
Yesterday I learned about the "5 Steps to the Perfect Snapshot" from Real Simple magazine--its Fall 2007 Family edition. Wish I'd read this before our trip to the Children's Museum on Saturday, but no matter. I have it for future reference.
Here's my favorite tip: "Skip the 'cheese.' Tell your kids to say 'strawberry'. It's more fun, and gives their mouths a more natural shape."
I tried it, and by golly, it's true! What a difference it makes. Now my naturally large-eyed Big Boy, despite his sweet disposition, doesn't look like Jack Nicholson a la "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" in all his photos.
Photographer Tosca Radigonda, for this most valuable tip, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
10:15 AM
Here's what was referenced today and added to The Thanks Ranks. * This marquee just cracks me up. "Grits/Gravy for Grandparents"--first thing in the morning. Mmmm-mmm... :-)
* Grandparents, and 50 year-olds who embrace life, engage others in it and party hard.
* Aunt Renee, family pharmacist
* The lesson in "love" from my olive oil friend at the grocery store.
* Big Boy's Netflix selection of Deepal Chopra: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
If you so desire, you can click on the player to the left to hear this week's show in its 30 minute entirety. For earlier shows, check out the Thanks Ranks Radio archives at
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
7:22 PM
Freshly laundered bed sheets to fall into after a long, long day have just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
11:59 PM
We all have our September the 11th story. Where we were, what we were doing. Each of has a story of profound grief or incredulous gratitude or something in between.
Then there are those who had their September the 11th story long before 2001. For them, it was called "my birthday". But one tragic day their license to be merry and joyful and self-indulgent and egocentric got revoked when madmen decided to fly planes in a manner that they should not have been flown.
And just like that, it ceased to be just these folks' special day. It became the world's day, and despite many valiant efforts to demonstrate resiliency, it's still honestly a not-so-very-happy place on the calendar. It's as though these individuals have had to sacrifice the blatant displays of birthday bliss that the rest of us are allowed, in order to remain respectful of a world's grieving process.
So to all of you born on this date (Ms. Valerie... Bryan...): for the gift of your life and its quiet reminder that it does go on, September 11th Birthday Babies, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Happy Birthday. It's not a wish. It's a command.
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
11:43 PM
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
9:44 PM
Sipping on this Twinings of London Lady Grey Tea has helped me feel immensely better. I bought it on a whim out of limited choice necessity, and am now pleasantly suurprised by how much I like it.
Going with something new does often yield unexpected, positive results. Lady Grey, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Have a great weekend!
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
6:21 PM
The week after Labor Day–I did more than perhaps I should have, now I’m sick with flu-like symptoms. One of these days I’ll convince myself I’m not invincible. :-)
It’s back to school now for everyone. Here’s what I’m grateful for on the subject, and what would have been discussed today on Thanks Ranks Radio:
* Happiness Classes for students in the U.K.
I think they’re on to something. Can we try some of that in the U.S.? Are you aware of such classes being taught to kids in your community? I’d be interested in knowing.
* MTV Survey. If you think the teenager in your life is impossible to please and understand, the results of a new survey may surprise you:
An online survey from the Associated Press and MTV posed more than 100 questions about happiness to nearly 1300 people ages 13 to 24. Additionally, field research was conducted here in Atlanta and Phoenix and Philadelphia with in-person discussion groups among 59 teens.
When asked 'what makes them most happy?' 73-percent said their relationship with their parents.
While spending time with family was the top answer, next was spending time with friends, followed by time with a significant other.
Close to half say religion and spirituality are also very important.
Really insightful stuff—I’m keeping it in mind, as I’m always looking for things present and future to add to my parenting arsenal. Get more details and results from the entire study here.
* David Lowry and Jimmy Walicek—the “Kickball Guys” featured in the "Love Your Life" article in the Sept/Oct 2007 issue of Positive Thinking magazine. Kickball was one of my favorite playground pastimes in elementary school. These guys have made their passion for the game into a viable living. How fun!
* Bridget Greenleaf, for her no excuses, inspirational story featured in “But I Can’t Go Back to School”, also in Positive Thinking magazine.
* Pam for her book picks. Time to throw my brain some mental meat again. Are you game for reading these books along with me this fall? Have you already read one or both? What are your thoughts on them?:
A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers by Xiaolu Guo
The Girls by Lori Lansens
* Luciano Pavarotti. RIP.
If you so desire, you can click on the player to the left to hear my under-the-weather self in this week's show's, what, 5 minute entirety? :-) For earlier 30 minute shows, check out the Thanks Ranks Radio archives at
To your health and mine! I look forward to being back "on the air" with you at 100% next week.
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
3:31 PM
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
3:01 PM
Labor Day weekend. Spent quality time with the family, knocked some major things off my "to-do" list and caught up on some of my mag reading.
Essence, September 2007 issue. Did you catch it? I'm devastated to learn that the absolutely incredible, deeply profound, indescribably, superiorly talented performer Jill Scott (can you tell I'm a fan?), had divorced.
Not Jill, who's song, "He Loves Me: Lyzel in E Flat," inspired by her man, holds special significance with me (for reasons if I divulged you'd likely file under "TMI", so I'll spare you).
So sad. But she says she's OK, she's clear and she still loves and thinks well of him. Aww, Jill...
Then she says something, that makes me sit still for a minute.
When asked by Terry McMillan (who knows a thing or two about betrayal, heartache and divorce) to describe what for her would be the perfect experience with someone she loves, she responds:
"I would love to have a baby and I'd love for the man who helped me conceive that child to be holding my hand when I give birth. I would love that."
And I think, wow, I've had that experience. Twice. And it was pretty incredible. Afterwards--after the babies drew their first breaths in the world. It wasn't so pretty with angelic harps playing leading up to that. ;-)
But it was powerfully phenomenal. And now, reading this, I'm not as perturbed with Hubby-Honey for not as of yet holding up his end of the bargain in clearing out his side of the bedroom closet this weekend as we'd agreed. At the moment, he's bathing Big Boy. And they're both laughing together over something or another.
And I'm melting. Thanks, Jill. For reminding me yet again that sans the Grammy and the accolades and the money and the fame, I've still got it good--you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
And may you indeed experience this gift when your time comes.
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
12:55 PM
If you consciously put yourself on alert for it, every day we encounter people, places, things or experiences that make our day a little brighter. Here I show my gratitude, and add them to "The Thanks Ranks".