Silly Boy Fun
Spring Fever, part III:
This time, as experienced by the males in my household, plus my brother visiting for the weekend...
Family sophomoric humor has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Spring Fever, part III:
This time, as experienced by the males in my household, plus my brother visiting for the weekend...
Family sophomoric humor has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
10:07 PM
Spring fever, continued... Kirsten, don't hate me because it's 80 degrees today with sunshine. ;-)
Strolling with a friend down Main Street in historic Stone Mountain Village yesterday, we came across this sign in the window that we couldn't resist.
"Refreshing Peach Mango Iced Tea. Come in and try some!"
We did, and after paying a mere $5.33 for two large cups, we delighted in this nectar-of-the-gods tea that is still on my mind almost 24 hours later.
I'm trying to resist making the drive and getting some more today. I think I've found my Summer Love 2008 beverage already in spring.
Continental Coffee & Sweets, if it's got high fructose corn syrup in it, I don't want to know. You've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
1:05 PM
I've got it. Bad.
Love, love this weather we've been enjoying in Atlanta. Perfect day for celebrating Earth Day.
Green goodness has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
3:53 PM
Having great friends is a wonderful thing. Having great friends who also read is the best thing ever. 'Cause they share things with me that I might have otherwise missed, and these are often things that speak to or resonate with me, and then I'm all the better for it.
I have a number of terrific friends who are readers (guess as they say, "like attracts like"), but today I'm thinking of one in particular who dropped some knowledge on me this past Sunday that I'm still chewing on, and I love that.
For keeping me real and simple, Traci, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Happy 14th B-day, Ryan! Where did my baby godson go?!
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
11:26 PM
Hello! Great to be back. Are you even still out there visiting? I hope so.
The Thanks Ranks blog and my corresponding email have been down for the last week due to a really lousy merger and acquisition of my old host by a new, very unhelpful one. We had to take matters into our own hands and go elsewhere.
So to my new friends at Bluehost and my tech-savvy Hubby-Honey who wears an 'S' on his chest under his pocket protector ;-), for getting me “live” again, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
7:43 PM
The Lion King roared into Atlanta last night, and Hubby-Honey and I got a chance to see it.
I first saw it on Broadway almost 5 years ago, but I was pregnant with Big Boy and more concerned with if I could hang on and wait 'til intermission before disturbing folks with my needing to make a run for the restroom. So it was nice to experience it this time around without such distractions.
Both times, I got so choked up at the opening scene. It's just... beautiful.
If you've never seen The Lion King and you get the chance, go. This gives you a sense of what it's like, but really, you have to be sitting in the midst of it to really get the full affect.
Getting a second chance to take in sheer pageantry and artistic brilliance has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
6:26 PM
I rolled the dice, and got snake-eyes.
Actually, I got one eyebrow that's thinner than the other and an expression that looks half angry and half quizzical.
My lessons are:
1) A $4 eyebrow threading at a salon is NOT a better deal than a $15 eyebrow threading at a spa if you come out looking like the Joker.
2) You get what you pay for.
3) Wearing a paper bag over my head with the eye and mouth holes cut out is not going to work, because it scares my children.
4) It's only hair and it will (hopefully), over time, grow back.
Justifiction for returning the spa for the sake of my pleasant appearance has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Posted by
Grateful Lisa
5:54 PM
If you consciously put yourself on alert for it, every day we encounter people, places, things or experiences that make our day a little brighter. Here I show my gratitude, and add them to "The Thanks Ranks".