Spa Finder, Inc

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

People Get Ready

Thanks Ranks Radio launches live tomorrow--Thursday, February 1, 2007, at 3:00 p.m. EST.

It'll be the show's maiden voyage on the internet radio waves. So I thought it fitting that I call on my friends Bridget and Kellie, who served as my matron-of-honor and maid-of-honor, to join me as co-hosts for the day. We think we're pretty entertaining when we get together. You be the judge.

Got someone who YOU would like to add to The Thanks Ranks? Call in during the show and tell us about them.

Listener Call in Number: (646) 652-4612

In order to listen to the show, your computer must have the Windows Media Player. You can download the latest version at the Windows Media Download Site. There is a version of Windows Media for Mac users as well.

So tune in tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. by simply going to

We'll dish--and serve up a little attitude of gratitude.

You tell me who to add to The Thanks Ranks.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Party On

Well, not really. We're all "partied" out celebrating Big Boy yesterday. But I received this What is Your Cocktail IQ? quiz this a.m. from Fine Living's e-newsletter, and thought it would be fun to pass it along to you.

Seeing as though I'm not really a drinker, save for a Bellini at brunch or a celebratory sip of champagne, I didn't expect to do well on this test. And I didn't. 3 correct answers out of 10--because by process of elimination I guessed right!

So at the test's end, I was teasingly called a Teetotaller (I often am) and heralded for being the Designated Driver (I often was). Nonetheless, I've always been fascninated by the world of mixologists.

Take the quiz for fun. How will you fare?

For the sober amusement and all your great programming that enthralls and educates me: Fine Living, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Brides and Bath Salts

Hanging out with a friend today as she worked her magic at a bridal show, I met an esthetician with Eastside MedSpa & Family Practice, who gifted me with yummy bath salts that she personally mixed. I modified their use for a oh-so-luxurious shower.

A complimentary skin consultation and facial are just short of an hour's drive away for me... I may take her up on her offer.

Amanda: you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Java Jump

Sometimes, when you're out and about and your car battery inexplicably goes dead, requiring a jump and a trip to Auto Zone--two feedings, a poopy diaper change and one wet pants episode later, a tall Java Chip Frappuccino is all that's needed to make everything right with the world.

To the drive-thru Starbucks at Cumberland Market in Smyrna: you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

(Wo)Man in the Mirror

OK, so with this entry, I'm going to tell myself that no one reads The Thanks Ranks. ;-)

In 2006, Hubby-Honey and I made the conscious decision to not watch television in our home for the entire year. That's another post for another day. But I mention it to say that although we've relaxed our stance in 2007, we've grown so accustomed to not watching it that we still really don't, even though we're now "allowed".

But yesterday, I was compelled to tune in to Oprah and watch her episode on "What Five Words Describe Your Marriage?". And in doing so, I received what I'll call THE A-HA MOMENT SMACKDOWN, in which I realized some things about me that unearthed some things I'd never considered about myself, but now couldn't escape because a great, big full-length mirror was being placed in front of me.

To add insult to injury--or irony--two of the three women in the three couples featured (brave, crazy souls--I give them a lot of credit) were named Lisa. And dare I admit, they had a few personality, ahem, "challenges" with which I could identify. Yeah, S-M-A-C-K-D-O-W-N.

So while I continue this hard but necessary and beneficial look at myself, and brace myself for what I wonder might be "part two" with today's episode, "Thirty-Something in America", I challenge you to consider the Spiritual Partnership Guidelines presented by Dr. Gary Zukov, and see if anything resonates with you, in any of your relationships.

I'm chalking all this up to, "be careful what you wish for...," but I am truly grateful for the pills I'm having to swallow. My marriage, my parenting, and all my relationships will be all the better for the work I'm willing to do.

So yeah, thanks Oprah and Gary Zukov, for raisin' up, flipping my inner world and twisting it 'round my head like a helicopter (some of you will get that, ha-ha-ha), but more importantly, thank you Hubby-Honey, for loving me in all my "stuff", and being the best partner God could have ever blessed me with. Yeah, I ended that sentence in a preposition, and you know what? I see that it's OK.

For all of you in relationship with me, you've just been added to The Thank Ranks.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Lost in the Sauce

Publix Super Markets, for your current "Buy One Get One Free" sale on 64 oz. bottles of Juicy Juice, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Turn the Feat Around

At halftime, my Yankees-fan-since-birth Hubby-Honey made his announcement:

"Everyone, go put on your rally caps."

The children and I obliged (well of course, I had to help Baby Girl), and within minutes we were all sitting in front of the TV donning the silliest of our hats in a modified baseball ritual, with hopes of it working for football. It did.

So Indianapolis, while maybe you should be adding my family, I'll simply say (as the athletic little girl now grown who wanted to play with pigskin but was relegated to a life of soccer), Lovie and Tony: for inspiring NFL history, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

C. and A., I hope you won't hold this against us. ;-)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Meditative Meals on Wheels

For a particularly transcendent Saturday, Panera (this time for the bagels), Paul and my prayer pals: you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Blind Ambition

Raul Midon, for sharing your TREMENDOUS talent that caused my jaw to drop and my guitar to get picked up again, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I'm with the Band

Me: Six tickets to the Honda Battle of the Bands, please.

Ticketmaster: Sure. All seats are $10 apiece for reserved seating.

Me: OK. Good deal.

Ticketmaster: Plus a $3.25 service charge per ticket.

Me: Yes, but of course.

Georgia Dome Ticket Office: Uh, excuse me, but in your running around town during the course of your day, if you want to stop by, I'll give you the tickets at $10 each, with no additional charges. There's a parking lot convenient to me, so it'll be no sweat.

Me: Cool. I'll put you on my day's itinerary. OK. I'm here.

Georgia Dome Ticket Office: Here are your tickets. The last in a really great section too. Your dad and son, band fans that they are, are truly going to love this.

Me: I appreciate it. Georgia Dome Ticket Office, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ain't Too Proud to Shop

Tresa and Junior League of Atlanta, for giving me a guilt-free and rewarding shopping experience yesterday, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Happiest of birthdays, Poppy! xoxo

Monday, January 15, 2007

Celebrity Face-off

OK, so in my profile I mention that I enjoy entertainment news, which means that I am amused by celebrity culture.

So when I was introduced to MyHeritage Face Recognition - Celebrity Matches by my TV producer/cinematographer/editor/animator friend Carlos, I was intrigued.

Essentially, MyHeritage helps folks track their genealogy through face recognition technology. As a fun feature on their site, they have you upload a photo of yourself, and from it they then apply their technology to match you with the celebrities that have your facial features and hence, share a resemblance.

So I did it. Here's who they came up with for me, with how closely we resemble each other represented by a percentage value:

Sofia Coppola: 60%
Uh, hi MyHeritage. I'm Lisa, and I'm a Black woman. The color photo I submitted kinda clearly reflects that. But you did say 60%, so I'll cut you some slack.

Amber Benson: 62%

Sela Ward: 63%

Anne Hathaway: 64%
Seeing This. Is it the broad smiles? I guess I'll give you that...

Jared Padalecki: 64%
OK, first: Who?
Second: A guy? That's just plain mean.

Elizabeth Hurley: 66%
Seriously, now.

Gabrielle Union: 67%
Ah, a Black woman. Now we're getting somewhere. Except, uh, looking like Gabrielle? Not so much.

Nia Long: 70%
OK, this is getting downright comical. Guess your catalog of Black female celebs isn't that vast, huh?

Rosario Dawson: 71%
You're just trying to be funny now.


Heather Locklear: 72%
HEATHER LOCKLEAR?! Heather Locklear?! A word with this technology's programmers, please.

Curiously missing from this list is the celebrity that I have, before chopping off and subsequently locking my hair, actually been told that I resemble (even once being quietly approached in the airport for an autograph!): Holly Robinson Peete.

What do you think? Give this a try for yourself. I'd be curious to know what you think of your results.

For the chuckle, Carlos and MyHeritage, you've just been added to The Thank Ranks.

Please join me in sending Carlos good wishes and encouragement. He's working through his heartbreak of missing the FEDEX deadline to submit to the Emmys. Everything happens for a reason, Carlos. When it's your time, you won't be denied.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

No Grizzle Fo' Shizzle

For taking the "woof" from my two favorite guys and returning them to me looking like an officer and a gentleman, master barber Fred, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Friday, January 12, 2007

International Thanker

Yesterday was International Thank You Day (I know, why didn't I tell you yesterday? It was just one of those days--I'm a mom, I have them), but according to the Crayola Calendar, International Thank You Days run 'til January 18th.

So I'm going to go with that and send thanks today to Eriko. Perennial Thanks Ranker KC contacted her on my behalf, as Eriko is currently living back in Japan, and learned for me that the cookies I was gifted with and have been desiring are only sold and shipped domestically, so basically--I'm out of luck.

Unless you're coming to the States again any time soon, Eriko... ;-)

So, true to my word: for leaving me no choice but to turn my focus to losing my pesky-preggie five pounds now that I know my beloved cookies are unattainable for the foreseeable future, Eriko, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Squirrel Monkey, God, Jesus and Santa?

Listening to NPR's "All Things Considered" this afternoon during my favorite drive on I-85, I had the pleasure of hearing this humorous and poignant commentary by storyteller Kevin Kling. I hope you'll take a listen and enjoy it too.

For articulating my similar experience in maintaining this blog--getting to see people at their best everyday and being grateful--Kevin Kling, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Big Baby Thanks

The Nurse Helpline staff and doctors at my children's pediatrician's office are the best.

For being an integral part of my little ones' health since Day One, and giving us the thoughtful attention and care that make us feel like we're the only family you tend to, Sandra, Dr. Pollack and everyone over at Dekalb Pediatric Center, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Your Own Private Project Runway

OK, I'm forewarning you: do NOT go to this site unless or until you're prepared to throw your entire day off schedule, because you're going to get totally consumed here...

Who of you out there remembers the toy activity called "Fashion Plates" from back in the day, circa 1978?

I'm here to tell you that if you don't know what I'm talking about, boy, did you miss out on hours of fun, mixing and matching tops and bottoms and rubbing colored pencils down to the nub to get the perfect texture on your design creations.

But you are so fortunate, because now, you can have an online experience that reminds me of such fun times, but blows them away exponentially, because THESE designs can be made to look like you and your friends!

I'm talking about Design-her Gals. A beautiful web creation headed by Jeanne Fitzmaurice that I discovered on Oprah's 'O List' in the May 2005 issue.

On this site you can create a Gal in your likeness, and add her to personal stationery, business cards, t-shirts, invitations--they give you many, many options.

And just recently, I learned that you can add her to your e-mail signature, blog or website. So I took Designer-her Gals up on their offer and they helped me come up with my Thanks Ranks Radio Gal (**If you're having trouble viewing this with your IE browser, and you really do care to see it, please try cutting and pasting this link into your address bar**).

Admirably, 5% of every Design-her Gal sale goes toward their Gal to Gal Foundation's effort to raise money for Stage 4 breast cancer patients.

So you can feel good about all the time you're going to spending on this site--which I'm telling you, is going to be A LOT! I introduced my parents to the site yesterday to show them my Radio Gal (and I'll admit, I've got more than a few "Lisa Gals" saved that I've designed since first discovering the site), and they got hooked designing one for my mother--with my father having very strong opinions on which features did or didn't most resemble her. Guess he figured after almost 37 years, he should know!

I love my new Thanks Ranks Radio Gal, and now I'm ready to launch. Jeanne, Mary, Erica, Dewey and Sue, for making her possible and making your work worthy cause-focused, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Anniversary Weekend - Part II

The Thanks Ranks is celebrating 50 today--its 50th post!

Yes, today marks 50 entries that have been made since the creation of The Thanks Ranks back in November 2006. I have personally had an amazing time. Everyday, through this blog, I'm meeting new people and making new friends. Fine and fascinating folks, you Thanks Ranks readers are!

In celebration of your support, I'm thrilled to announce that The Thanks Ranks will soon be launching a blog talk show called Thanks Ranks Radio. You'll be able to tune in and listen to it live on your computer, hear from me and a couple of invited friends, call in from your telephone to participate and personally add your own friends, family, acquaintances--what have you--to The Thanks Ranks.

And the best part? If you miss it live, the show will be recorded and you can catch it when you can!

OK, I was wrong, that's not the best part. The best part is: keep living right, do unto others... and when they ask, "What can I ever do to repay you?" you'll be able to say, "Tune into Thanks Ranks Radio live on Thankful Thursdays at Three (3:00 p.m. EST-New York), call in and add me to The Thanks Ranks!"

I haven't given you the full details, I know, but I've got some Gals helping me put the finishing touches on these plans--so hang on and all will be revealed soon.

Please save the date--Thursday, February 1, 2007--and plan to join me for Thanks Ranks Radio's maiden voyage on the internet airwaves.

In the meantime, know that I deeply appreciate you checking in with me here when your precious time allows. I raise my 50th celebratory glass to you. Your cherished support has just been added to the Thanks Ranks.


Saturday, January 06, 2007

Weekend Anniversaries - Part I

Lunch with the Girls—
a joyous occasion:
10 years since the start
of our purposed trail blazin’.

Hubby-Honey—you’re good?
Yes, milk has been pumped.
I’ve great faith in you
but call if you get stumped.

Drivin’ alone
(how rare!)
Am I insane?!
Better get out
of the HOV lane.

Pull into the Center
that boasts a Coach House
I’m greeted with charm—
Can you say southern-soused?

Up the lift,
‘round the bend,
oh, there they are!
With this grand reception
you’d think I’m a star!

Hi! Kiss, kiss, hug, hug,
Oh Girl, you look good!
Well, you’re wearing orange
like others wish they could.

And you—look at you,
I’m so lovin’ your ‘do,
You say that I’m glowing?
You’re radiant too!

Well, lookie here—Hey!
Oh Girl, glad you made it!
No, you’re just in time.
Wanna try the “Swan’s Favorite”?

Catch up, reflection,
’06 is a wrap.
What things for ’07
do you have on tap?

This song is so sweet,
but two missed from the tune:
one newly in Maryland, the other—

You both are sent love.
Your spirit is with us.
Can all of us--friends and fam--
plan to do Christmas?

Just shy of closing
we go on to gab.
Why, these dear, dear friends
even pick up the tab!

Cheers to the staff,
Tip the valet,
Do you want this to end?
It’s such a nice day…

Starbucks is just a few miles away…!

Venti to Venti,
Tall to Short,
Ok to a brownie
but no to the torte.

What say you ‘bout
this “Law of Attraction”?
It’s time for some action!

Ok… gotta go.
Time to head to the car,
Would each of you pose
wearing this here tiara?

‘Cause you’re each a queen—
want to capture this moment
Your friendship to me
in a word’s been Heaven-sent.

To my WVG sisters
both here and far-flung,
you’ve all made The Thanks Ranks.
My day’s post is done.

Happy 10-Year Anniversary!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Domo arigato

I was given these cookies from Japan. They were yummy. I ate them all. Now I want more.

If you can tell me what this says, and how I can order some online from, I will add you to The Thanks Ranks. :-)

And no, that extra five pounds of baby weight I'm still carrying is none of your concern. Please just focus on the task at hand and get me the cookies.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Welcome Joeann - Thanks in Action

New Year's resolutions. I haven't made them since, oh, say 2002, but I do take time to reflect upon how I'd like to use my life to make a difference in the lives of others in the coming year.

In my travels as a Goodwill Hunter, I came across a woman who is tirelessly doing some amazing things to that end.

Joeann Fossland is, among many roles, a certified trainer, coach and real estate professional. She is also the leader of the Web Women Giving Circle, a group of professionals who are presently leveraging their talents and resources to raise money for CARE, a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty.

WWGC's specific focus is on working with poor women, with the belief that armed with the proper resources, women can help whole families and entire communities break the stronghold of poverty.

Joeann has embarked upon a virtual whistle-stop tour for CARE, making visits to blogs to chat about this effort.

Always game for something new and making new friends, I invited Joeann to drop in today for a "Three Things on Thanks" Q&A:

ME: C'mon in, Joeann. Welcome to The Thanks Ranks. Make yourself at home. May I offer you a glass of sweet tea?

I read that you were a single mom on welfare in the 70’s and it was from that experience that you gained a real appreciation for how challenging it can be to make a living and be a great mom. Hence, when you regained your self-sufficiency, you were moved to support women’s causes.

Your story is a fascinating, inspiring one. Tell me, to what or whom do we owe thanks for compelling you specifically to establish the Web Women Giving Circle?

JOEANN: Hi Lisa, thanks for inviting me to your blog. It was a project that More Magazine rolled out in the late Spring. They created an intention to raise $1 Million Dollars for CARE to impact women and children through micro development and their other great programs which impact health and hunger.

They created a contest for Giving Circles to compete on who could raise the most money in 2006. I love contests and I love helping women and children, so I was inspired to contact my friends from all over the country (many of whom supported me by helping raise $7K for the Liver Foundation when I ran a Triathlon a few years ago). We had 11 people who joined the Circle with a pledge to raise money, either by donating or helping with projects.

ME: I love MORE Magazine. They're really making “50 the new 40” and “40 the new 30” in a way that makes me look forward to getting, uh, wiser.

So you came up with this idea, got “buy” with a little help from your friends, and then they told someone, who told someone, who told someone… and now you’ve raised $21,340 toward your goal of $100,000. That’s fabulous!

My career background lies in the nonprofit sector, so I have a tremendous amount of respect for what you're doing with the Web Women Giving Circle. When I hear the stories of the women being empowered through CARE's efforts, I can't help but appreciate my own circumstances all the more. How can my blog friends and I make a difference?

JOEANN: I feel the same way. I traveled in South America in '78 and '88 and was amazed at how very poor most of those countries are.

There are two ways to help:

First, we have a donation page that links to our giving circle where people can donate directly to CARE.

Or, for real estate agents, we have some wonderful sponsors who have donated their tools for us to sell as premium packages ranging from $20 to $150 each and worth over $295. By buying a premium package, you get a tax deduction for business expenses, tools to help you grow your business and 100% of the money is the donated to CARE. You can view the package here.

Isn't this funny, Lisa, in Blogosphere, one can talk in hyperlinks!!!

ME: It is something. I'm amazed daily by what's possible on the web.

Hey KC and DB, did you catch what Joeann said about how real estate agents can get involved? ;-)

What are you grateful for today, Joeann? Who would you like to add to The Thanks Ranks?

JOEANN: I am thankful everyday to be above ground! And I am so lucky to be surrounded and supported by many inspiring women and men.

By the way, your readers might be interested in one other project we developed for the Circle, called It is a place to recognize anyone who has inspired you and that you are grateful for being in your life and we are asking people to make a $10 donation to CARE to post! What a great way to say thank you to someone!

And, of course, I'd like to thank you for all you are doing! Everyone needs thanks and gratitude is sure an attractive energy. I like to say that gratitude makes our hearts rise, like yeast in bread! You truly have a BIG HEART! Thank you.

ME: Well, I really appreciate that Joeann. What a great analogy. Thank you.

So tell me Joeann, with all you've got going on, when do you sleep? :-) Oh, wait. That’s four questions, and we did call this Three Things on Thanks”, right?

But I am so delighted that you stopped by The Thanks Ranks today, and wish you safe travels and continued success on your tour.

To you, your 11 friends and all who have and plan to support the CARE-ing efforts of the Web Women Giving Circle, you’ve just been added to The Thank Ranks.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Riddled with Thanks

So the day got away from me yesterday, but I have to acknowledge this guy who was a 12-gauge troubleshooter for something that will be revealed on the 50th.

And tell me, tell me, do you know? Where in the blogworld is Joeann Fossland? You should CARE.

Check in tomorrow for the latter. All will be revealed soon for the former.

In the meantime, Bob C.: you know who you are, you know who you're with and you know what you did. You've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Delighted to meet you on the other side of 2006.

As you move-it move-it through 2007...

may you be tickled with joy!

To the crazy creatives behind T.M.X. Elmo and Frogz that have taken silly joyfulness in my home to a new level, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Cheers!, Inc.