Spa Finder, Inc

Friday, August 31, 2007

Workin' It

The promise that comes with a long Labor Day Weekend has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Enjoy, my fellow Americans!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Today on Thanks Ranks Radio (8.30.07)

With Baby Girl along for the ride, here's what was referenced today and added to The Thanks Ranks. Thanks for emailing during the show, Stevie.

* Celebrating 200 posts for The Thanks Ranks

* Comments from Donna and Evan Ducker and Beverley Fulker, and the fine folks who shared their personal stories

* My brave friend and those of you who've asked about her

* Pam Socolow's Family Facts Family Life Organizer & Planner (more found at and Barnes & Noble for the printable online coupon

* Kid to Kid for turning me on to Little Twig's Body Milk, at a fraction of the cost that Courtney Cox pays for it, as reported by InStyle magazine :-) (Oh yeah, the name of the emollient I blanked on?"Shea butter...")

If you so desire, you can click on the player to the left to hear this week's show in its 30 minute entirety. For earlier shows, check out the Thanks Ranks Radio archives at

Big Two-O-O Tomato

Can you tell how much I've been enjoying taking pictures of late? :-)

I present to you Big Boy's tomato plant.

I noticed this morning that a growing tomato we've been watching intently (for what seems the entire summer) has begun to ripen.

Two smaller ones appear to be following in its wake.

Now, this tomato plant was grown in a container as more of an experiment and learning tool for Big Boy. Abmittedly, it didn't receive optimal care and feeding, though our intentions were good. And yet, it's grown. It hasn't fully arrived, but it's further along than where it began, and it has put a smile on the faces of those who have visited and noted it along the way.

So is the story of The Thanks Ranks, I suppose. Little by little, day by day, it has grown. Grown in fact, into today, its 200th post. I told you, back at post 100 on March 26th, that I'd mark this day, as I encouraged you to pick a task or project of your own to work toward and celebrate its accomplishment on this occasion along with me. Did you do it? How far have you come? Congrats to you!

If you didn't choose something the last time around, pick something for post #300. I don't know when I'll reach it, but to rework a favorite line of my friend Kellie's, let's not worry so much about the final destination--let's just start on the journey and enjoy the trip.

Like this tomato, I've grown as a result of undertaking this project called The Thanks Ranks. I've "met" a number of you that I wouldn't have otherwise, and you've made rich deposits into my life for which I'm grateful. So goes the same for the places, things and experiences that have heightened my awareness of all things for which I can be appreciative. I have my days, I'm not "fully ripened", but wow, when I think of it all, as life goes, I really have it good.

Thanks, tomato. Thanks all 200 subjects for supplying the material and lessons for my posts. Thanks to all of you who've shared that they've made a difference for you too. Yes, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Here's to the journey toward 3oo!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Blame It on the Rain

With inclement weather we make indoor fun where we can get it. So with Big Boy at the wheel directing me to go, "Faster, Mommy, faster!" as he, Baby Girl and I gathered a few groceries at the market in this tricked-out shopping cart, the kid in me was grateful for the empty frozen food aisle where I could let loose and run with abandon--all in the name of providing amusement for the children.

"Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" we collectively reveled.

I couldn't help but wink at a male shopper passing by, who spotted us and looked almost wistful. I know, I thought, as I composed myself at the end of the aisle and assumed a refined parental pace. You wish you had a child so you could do it too, right?

The thrill of sometimes going childish and Best Bank, for being the car sponsor of our fun run, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Southern Comfort

This is yet another reason why I love Atlanta.

See that white lawn chair under the tree to the right of the worn path? It's a respite from the heat and blazing sun for the first fortunate soul who makes it to the bus stop, as marked by the post on the corner, to the left of the worn path.

The chair belongs to no one, and yet it belongs to everyone. I'll sporadically spot others around town, where full-on bus stop shelters haven't been built.

And I'm not coming down on any city in particular here, as at my core I am a city girl. I'm just saying: it's not every metropolis where that chair would be left to remain where it is, in random public service to others.

I heart Atlanta, 'cause Atlanta has a heart. And that heart has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Trading Places--Not

Gonzales, Vick, Bynum, Weeks, White, Wilson, Hogan:

for reminding me that all that glitters ain't gold, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Here's to your wholeness.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

I Interrupt This Weekend...

to wish Theresa a Happy Birthday!!

Tiara wishes and Cherubim dreams, Friend.

Friday, August 24, 2007


It is SOOOOOOO hot in Atlanta today. Central air conditioning in my home has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Today on Thanks Ranks Radio (8.23.07)

Here's what was referenced today and added to The Thanks Ranks. Thanks for calling in, Shaun!

* Ms. Tammy and Ms. Faith - Big Boy's pre, pre-K teachers extraordinaire

* Thea Singer, for her article in the September 2007 issue of O Magazine, "Why We Don't Care About Darfur" (page 236). Honorable mention: 60 Minutes and Scott Pelley's segment, "Searching for Jacob", PRI's The World, for airing, "Celebrities Focus on Darfur", and the organization Save Darfur

*, which helped old high school buddies Jin and Evelyn find me.

* Shaun's adds:

- the "granny with a glass of milk" who attempted to come to his lost tooth's rescue

- new social networking site: Yuwie!

* Best Life magazine (yes, it's a men's mag, but as you know, I'm a magazine junkie--I read just about anything) for the 8 Foods You Should Eat Everyday, complete with recipes and a plan on how to incorporate the foods into your diet

If you so desire, you can click on the player to the left to hear this week's show in its 30 minute entirety. For earlier shows, check out the Thanks Ranks Radio archives at

Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Excuse me, I have some income-generating strategizing to do:

Retire a Millionaire: How to Start at Age 35 - AOL Money & Finance

For making it benchmarkingly plain in black and white, Kiplinger's, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Thinking of one of the "richest" women I know on her year's eve of 65, Happy Birthday, Mom!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Choose Happy

Some days, it's all about your perspective, right Lily?

"Joy just because" has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Jersey Girls

Jin and Evelyn--long lost high school buddies who found me today--for reminding me that we're still "the best in the world", you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Monday, August 20, 2007

What the World Needs Now...

I got some from black Prius WF56AJ, who pulled out of a "front door" space in the perpetually packed downtown Decatur Square parking lot outside the Starbucks, just in time for my arrival--leaving time on the meter to boot!

Then the guy outside Sweet Melissa's with a guitar loudly serenaded Big Boy, Baby Girl and me with it as we disembarked from the truck and made our way to the Starbucks entrance--punctuating it with an, "I LOVE YOU!" ending, to which I yelled back, pleasantly surprising him, "WE LOVE YOU RIGHT BACK!"

"Heh, heh, heh--now THAT'S what I'm talking about..." he shared with outdoor patio, cold-beer-knockin'-back onlookers.

Heat-withstanding Love, effortlessly passed among strangers, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Happy Birthday, Erynn!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Do The Right Thing

Perhaps you've seen it in your travels online... the looped video banner ad with the two Black women in their workspace dancing, droppin' it like it's hot and sweepin' the floor with it, only to be "surprised" when they discover the camera on them.

"Hate" is a strong word that I rarely use, but it's most accurate for describing how I felt about this spot whose relevance to refinancing mortgages, home loans and home equity I questioned.

I got so tired of seeing it everywhere I went online that I couldn't take it anymore. Last Friday I contacted the customer care division of perpetrator.

I shared with them how I found the ad offensive and not truly representative of how women of color, particularly those of African decent, conduct themselves. I challenged that their ad was irresponsible, only fueling negative stereotypes and presenting a skewed view of how those belonging to this segment of people behave in a workplace setting.

I reasonably implored the marketing department to retire the spot, noting that I'd spoken with others who shared my view, and that the ad reflected poorly on the integrity of their company.

Well, I heard back from M. Dimsey in customer care who thanked me for my feedback, and assured me that my comments would be forwarded to their marketing department.

Lo and behold, as I think about it, I've not seen the ad this entire week. How about you? Let me know, 'cause I really, really do want to know.

Giving credit where it so far appears due: M. Dimsey and the marketing folks at, for listening and responding, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Lesson learned and added to The Thanks Ranks: One voice can make a difference. It isn't likely the only voice, but one that helps tip the scales. Act on your convictions and see what happens.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Today on Thanks Ranks Radio (8.16.07)

Here's what was referenced today and added to The Thanks Ranks:

* Thoughts on smiling from Ralph Marston

* Those who were a part of Baby Girl's baby dedication

* Zoho Planner online tool at

*'s Top 10 Back-to-School Organizing Tips

* My brave friend, life's celebrations, Italian ice at Paccino's Pizzeria

* Happy Birthday blogtalkradio, Lineeka, Alexandra, Deborah and Cristen (Theresa...?)

If you so desire, you can click on the player to the left to hear this week's show in its 30 minute entirety. For earlier shows, check out the Thanks Ranks Radio archives at

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Method to My Madness

I love the method cleaning product line, particularly their flushable wipes. They are my bathroom's saving grace.

"People against dirty": you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Rare Sighting of 1,000 Thank Yous

They say a picture is worth a thousand words...

So, after 24+ hours of not coming up with the right ones to express my gratitude for all the love that was showered on my family and me this past week, leading up to and mushrooming on Baby Girl's dedication day this past Sunday, here is a likely once-in-this-blog's-lifetime glimpse of what I can't put into words.

To all of you who shared in the day in any which celebratory way: you had a part in putting these smiles on our faces, and you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Smiling has gotten me through much this week. My brother-in-law shared this with me, and it's been very effective.

Ralph Marston of The Daily Motivator and E.S., you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Smile, and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Mark of Distinction

Wow, is it Tuesday already? :-)

Family converging on Atlanta this week, starting today. Don't know how much you'll be seeing of me in this space over the next several days...

But folks have been seeing a good deal of Baby Girl, as she's been out and about with me running errands. I don't know if it's because she's now, at one year old, more mobile and hence more "visible" to strangers, but this past week we've received a record number of well-meaning (I think?) but unfiltered comments about the small but clearly noticeable Australia-shaped birthmark that's located below her right eye:

"What's that on her face?"

"Oh... is that her birthmark...?" (with pity so thick you could cut it with a knife)

"I see you, pretty little girl, with your BIRTHMARK."

"Oh, she's GORGEOUS. What is that--a birthmark? Oh honey, you could put a little cover-up on that and she'll be fine."

Yeah, and these are adults. She hasn't even entered the "kids can be cruel" realm.

So although I and those who love her find her birthmark endearing and a non-issue, I'm seeing that I'm going to have to be proactive in building her self-esteem in spades, so she'll feel about it as we do and be ready to respond confidently and assuredly when she's hit with such comments from those not so familiar.

My initial search has brought me to a book entitled, "Buddy Booby's Birthmark", and it's just perfect. I'd love for you to check out the clip featuring it and its amazing young author and his mom that aired earlier this year on The Early Show on CBS. Click here, scroll down to Wednesday, January 3, 2007, and you'll find the links.

Evan and Donna Ducker, and those who take just a moment to think before speaking--embracing the beauty of and beyond the mark--you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Friday, August 03, 2007

File Under: "Why Didn't I Think of That?!"

Daily Candy has done it again, tipping me off to Wants for Sale.

Check out the painting genius that is Christine Santora and Justin Gignac. See what they want and tell them what you want.

Tops on my list is sending Hubby Honey to Yankees Fantasy Camp next year to celebrate his 40th birthday, but since they're not trying to hear that... I shared with them the "Family Package" DNA kit from African Ancestry, Inc. that I mentioned not too long ago on the July 19th Thanks Ranks Radio broadcast. Think they'd want that too? Hey, it could happen... got to at least put it out there, right? :-)

And that's the just lesson reiterated by these folks at Wants for Sale and why today, Christine and Justin, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Today on Thanks Ranks Radio (8.2.07)

Here's what was referenced today and added to The Thanks Ranks:

* Dedicated doctors, surgeons, nurses and all hospital staff who connected to my father with care this week.

* Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB), for presenting "Dishing Democracy", as featured on the PBS series called Wide Angle--human stories. global issues.

* Jono and Season Korchin, founders of (Thanks, Kirsten. See video segment from "The View" in the post below)

* skirt! magazine for the 'bliss reminders' and the belly-laugh I got from reading the feature by Sandra A. Miller, entitled "Kiddus Interruptus"

* Additional belly-laughs and joy from Lineeka and other friends

* The anything but ordinary Uncommon Goods

* Farmers, particularly those who don't mind Big Boy kissing their tomatoes... that end up becoming a flavors-blasting-all-over-your-mouth tomato, basil and mozzarella salad.

If you so desire, you can click on the player to the left to hear this week's show in its 30 minute entirety. For earlier shows, check out the Thanks Ranks Radio archives at Founders on The View

As referenced today on Thanks Ranks Radio.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Eating Heart-ily

Between The American Heart Association's recipes, and Sustainable Table's Eat Well Guide, I've been busy in the test kitchen. I'm off to a first-time trip to the Decatur Organic Farmers Market later today.

Resources for opened eyes and ears due to an opened heart, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks., Inc.