Mother Goose
This is one of those reasons why we realize we really need to get another digital camera to replace our beloved one that bit the dust...
We've got a pond behind our house at which geese hang out and frequent. Don't really know how they do, but they do.
Well, this morning, as Hubby-Honey and I were enjoying our morning tea, I saw, emerging from the path to the pond, the "two regulars". But then, as I looked more closely, I saw with them six fluffballs moving along... goslings!
It was the most precious thing. We let Baby Girl sleep, but we figured Big Boy might find this sight most entertaining, so we woke him up.
He watched in wonder, and like everything else of late, had 20 questions for their every move. Hubby-Honey and I patiently took turns and responded to each one.
As we watched them from the window, my baby studying the Momma Goose's babies, and the Momma Goose instinctively, protectively watching us, I could have sworn, for a moment, we locked eyes with each other.
"Happy Mother's Day," I told her. And, if I were one to "speak goose", I'd imagine that she responded, "Right back at ya," in her squawk.
Moms--geese moms and otherwise--have just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Happy Mother's Day!
Awwww, how perfect and how sweet. Happy Mother's Day to you.
I think Kellie stole my words! ;)
Precious, precious!
Thanks! You know what's something? I'm sure they're around, but I haven't seen them since. How's that for irony?
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