Can you tell how much I've been enjoying taking pictures of late? :-)
I present to you Big Boy's tomato plant.
I noticed this morning that a growing tomato we've been watching intently (for what seems the entire summer) has begun to ripen.
Two smaller ones appear to be following in its wake.
Now, this tomato plant was grown in a container as more of an experiment and learning tool for Big Boy. Abmittedly, it didn't receive optimal care and feeding, though our intentions were good. And yet, it's grown. It hasn't fully arrived, but it's further along than where it began, and it has put a smile on the faces of those who have visited and noted it along the way.
So is the story of The Thanks Ranks, I suppose. Little by little, day by day, it has grown. Grown in fact, into today, its 200th post. I told you,
back at post 100 on March 26th, that I'd mark this day, as I encouraged you to pick a task or project of your own to work toward and celebrate its accomplishment on this occasion along with me. Did you do it? How far have you come? Congrats to you!
If you didn't choose something the last time around, pick something for post #300. I don't know when I'll reach it, but to rework a favorite line of my friend Kellie's, let's not worry so much about the final destination--let's just start on the journey and enjoy the trip.
Like this tomato, I've grown as a result of undertaking this project called The Thanks Ranks. I've "met" a number of you that I wouldn't have otherwise, and you've made rich deposits into my life for which I'm grateful. So goes the same for the places, things and experiences that have heightened my awareness of all things for which I can be appreciative. I have my days, I'm not "fully ripened", but wow, when I think of it all, as life goes, I really have it good.
Thanks, tomato. Thanks all 200 subjects for supplying the material and lessons for my posts. Thanks to all of you who've shared that they've made a difference for you too. Yes, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.
Here's to the journey toward 3oo!