Spa Finder, Inc

Sunday, March 16, 2008

House Spared

My beloved Atlanta was hit pretty hard this weekend with unfathomable tornado activity.

Friday night into Saturday morning made for a scary, stormy time that had even the best of us "brave adults" a little rattled.

Then to have daylight reveal the damage, and to spend a good part of Saturday afternoon playing "dodge the tornado activity in metro Atlanta--Round II" after we'd tried to get out and get on with our day--ducking for cover in the mall, at my folks' house, anywhere with lower level covering--it was all a little much.

But what really, really, did it was for my family to drive around familiar neighborhoods of those we love today and see trees and roots where they didn't belong, and roofs and walls missing from where they ought to be. It broke my heart.

I ache and pray for those who were affected. I am humbled and grateful beyond words that our house was spared. Can't even give a cutesy, "Just been added..." ending this time around, but my gratitude is deep.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Out of all the days that I rarely miss the news...

I've got chills. How scary... so thankful you all came out safe with your home intact., Inc.