Spa Finder, Inc

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Gushing with Gratitude

I still need a moment to collect my thoughts. There's been so much going on for which I'm grateful that I can't yet begin to articulate it. Honestly, I don't know that it will ever be possible.

For now let me just say that over the last few days I've once again been humbled, as I consider my life and realize just how much I've been and continue to be really, really blessed. I say this without sanctimony--there just really is no other word for it. I find myself caught up in grateful introspection.

Consider your life for a moment--long enough 'til you get to the point where you see what I mean. See? You see? That's what I'm talking about... Do you have the words? If you do, keep reflecting. You're not there yet. ;-)

Thank you, thank you for sharing in this experience and being a part of The Thanks Ranks.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Pink is the New Bliss

Oh my goodness, I'm on the ultimate sugar-sensory high after experiencing Chocolate Pink this evening. Right about now, I love you--I love everybody. I'm a happy-happy-jumpy-joy girl.

I brought home their signature pastry (comprised of a hazelnut cookie bottom, chocolate mousse, chocolate buttermilk cake and chocolate ganache) to Hubby-Honey. He likey-likey too. He says, "Is good-nik."

For incredibly capping a day that was all about me, Theresa, Michelle and Erin (email me if I've misspelled your names and I'll make the edit): you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

My adoration to the chef. Thanks, Chef Balbierer.

Friday, February 23, 2007

There Are No Words

I can't shake this story.

Do hold hands with your loved one. Do sit next to him/her on the couch. Do save your children's artwork.

Mr. B., until I'm at liberty to say more, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Russa-Frussa MySpace Hackers

russa-frussa (adj.), definition: 1. A made up expletive first introduced by Grateful Lisa's father when she was,"knee-high to a grasshopper," that safely enables one to describe someone or something with which one is displeased without being offensive. Used in lieu of commonly known cuss words. (n.): Someone or something with which one has extreme displeasure.

Used as in:

"Some russa-frussa hackers got into my Thanks Ranks MySpace page and apparently sent out foul messages and "party at my house" invitations under my profile. Now instead of tending to other pressing details (i.e., prepping for this afternoon's Thanks Ranks Radio broadcast), I'm having to do damage control. Russa-frussas!"

To Kirsten (that's "K-ur-sten", not "K-ear-sten") ;-) , who knew these acts weren't possibly in my character and alerted me to the problem: you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Thanks to My Original Fam-Gs

Just a public reminder...

Mom and Poppy, as Kellie says, you're the type of folks I would like even if you didn't belong to me. :-)

And since you asked, Craig:

Continuing to live life with your irrepressible flair that keeps me on my toes and in stitches--that, Dear Brother, among the many things you do--can get you added to The Thanks Ranks.

I'm touched that you cared. ;-)

To the three who under the same roof I spent the first 17 years of my life: you hold permanent places in The Thanks Ranks.

Double Scoop of Thanks

More cake and ice cream celebrations--this time for Hubby-Honey celebrating one year minus the Big 4-0 yesterday. I remember him at the tender age of 31. Where does the time go...? :-)

Hence, in being Thanks Ranks MIA these last few days I owe gratitude nods to Jackie and the crew at One Hour Personalizing Cleaners, who are my partners in drycleaning crime, with their nobody-does-it-better same day service...

And to Kendall, who came through in a clutch today with a quality copier and kind conversation.

Jackie and Kendall--for keeping me the consummate professional after some time out of the game, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Friday, February 16, 2007

The Power of Now Thanks

To the wise but anonymous person who shared these thoughts online, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Be Thankful Now

Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

Be thankful when you don't know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times
During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you're tired and weary
Because it means you've made a difference.

It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.

If I don't check in, have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Love, Now Happiness

So yesterday was about the love. Today, it's all about the happiness.

Does money buy happiness? Did you know their are folks who conduct "happiness research" and speak to this and other such questions?

Jonathan Clements, author and award-winning personal-finance columnist for The Wall Street Journal, has talked with some of these experts, and will share his findings today on Thanks Ranks Radio.

One of the most "happiness-gifted" people I know, Theresa H.-S., will complete our "Thanks Ranks Three-Way", and if you're able to tune in live, you too will be given the opportunity to be a part of the triumvirate.

It's a Thankful Thursday at Three (3:00 p.m. EST) on Thanks Ranks Radio. As always, on this day, you tell me who to add to The Thanks Ranks. Tune in live, or catch the archived show at your leisure.

Already added to the Ranks: Jonathan and Theresa.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Spread Love

As our very first Valentine's Day (the one when we were exclusively dating, but who knew what the future held) approached, I asked Hubby-Honey to please not send me flowers to the office, as I had a feeling he'd be inclined to do.

At the time I was working at a B-to-B magazine publishing company. It had a staff of about 20, comprised mostly of women--women who were unattached or unlucky in love. I didn't want to rub the day in their faces. I told Hubby-Honey so. Whatever he may be wanting to do, a simple, private acknowledgement of the day would suffice. He just listened.

On the day, a large, beautiful multi-colored bouquet of carnations was delivered to the office. Who were the flowers for? The card said to all the ladies in my office. Each was to take one that suited her from the bouquet. Who were they from? Hubby-Honey.

The mood in that office changed love-festive instantly. Can I just tell you who was considered the SWEETEST guy ever by all on that day?

And then, the following morning, a dozen red roses exclusively for me arrived at the reception desk. Not for Valentine's Day, but just because.

This is the man I've since shared subsequent Valentine's Days with--all still just as sweet as the first.

I spread love to you today, reader-friends, as Hubby-Honey did with those carnations. Happy Valentine's Day.

And Hubby-Honey, who else but you could I add today to The Thanks Ranks? Today, Tomorrow, Always.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Law of Attractive Pattern

Since starting The Thanks Ranks, my eyes have indeed been opened to the positive in my life in a special way. And the most uncanny things have been happening to me, on an almost daily basis. This is one example of many that I think you can especially appreciate with me.

This past month, I set a goal of mapping out a 30-day dinner meal plan. I did it, and it's helpful knowing already that next Friday my family will be having tilapia with lemon and dill sauce, rice pilaf and broccoli, so I can plan and shop accordingly.

To celebrate this newfound efficiency, I had a fleeting thought that it would be nice to get some new dinnerware.

Now I've been in no hurry, and I haven't actively gone out and looked, but in walking through Macy's the other day, this is what I happened across in a display on my way to the escalator.

Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do (insert The Twilight Zone theme song here).

Noritake, for your personally appealing design of Mocha Java casual dining collection and taking my breath away, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Monday, February 12, 2007

School Daze


While it is my expectation that my little ones will grow up to finish high school and successfully go on to college...

For enabling me to inhale-exhale and keep the looming question of, "Where will I send my children to school?" in perspective--given their list of successful dropouts--Dr.Shaun Kerry and Education, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Mo' Modem Makes It Mo' Better!

I've missed you all!

After days of trouble shooting, I am back online with the discovery that my lack-of-internet-access woes were a result of a modem that had essentially given up the ghost.

So I've got some catching up to do in adding 'Drummerboy' to The Thanks Ranks for sharing the heartwarming 'Juan Mann' story and video with me that I in turn shared with my listeners on Thanks Ranks Radio yesterday. Hugs, hugs, hugs!

I also have to acknowledge my forever-on-the-go matriarch and patriarch for allowing me to do the show remotely from their home. I remain amazed by what one can do these days with technology, and grateful that my folks retired to Atlanta.

Then I have to send my appreciation to Thanks Rankers Julie and Traci for joining me as my co-hosts for yesterday’s 'Hugs and Love' centered show—complete with Grandmother! Can I tell you all--I am blessed for days given the friends I have…

So it’s with a fond “see you later” that I send Pam all good wishes as she crosses the pond.

And while there’s more, I’ll have to save it for another time, as I have much ground to make up for elsewhere now that I’m back online. How did life get lived before the Internet?

Big, strong signaled modem, you too have been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Thanks Ranks Twilight Zone

This has been a bizarre week for The Thanks Ranks. Blogger has been acting the fool, those who were in the process of being added have in more than one instance done something to forfeit their place, and great things that I'd love to recognize are either not my story to tell, or too premature to be revealed.

Hence, for the fist time ever, I'm feeling a little dry as it relates to fresh Thanks Ranks inductee material. So here's my tried and true, go-to fallback (oxymoron?), that has always come to mind over the years when I've found myself stuck in pondering gratitude...

My ten fingers and ten toes: you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Great Greetings 101

Ms. Shunnarah at ICS; Kate at the under-new-management Urban Tea Party; my dear friends from Saturday night; Shirley, Nancy, Frances and Susie at Briarcliff Baptist (thanks for the intro, Talia)--they know how to make a gal feel welcome and create experiences that make for a great weekend.

You've all been added to the Thanks Ranks.

Congrats to you and your team, Coach Dungy. You're a class act.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Whew! 2

OK, so the link mentioned "here" in today's preceding post does not work. So to hear the show, try going to Thanks Ranks Radio, find yesterday's (February 1st) show, What is The Thanks Ranks?, under the 'archived segments' tab, and click on the segment's title.

Have a Super weekend!


Well, after launching Thanks Ranks Radio yesterday, I am spent.

I appreciate the support, encouragement and kudos I've received from many of you. You're the greatest. Kellie and Bridget, thanks for being my beloved co-hosts for the day, and Shanta, thanks for the pleasant surprise of calling in and contributing mightily to our discussion.

Didn't catch Thanks Ranks Radio live? No worries. The show is archived here, so you can listen at your leisure.

I'm going to rest today, and then get back to prepping for next week's show. Michele? What say you? ;-)

To my friends Roxanne, Devoya, Patti and Poetess, who skillfully make the work of radio look effortless and inspire me: you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Happy Birthday, Poetess!, Inc.