Spa Finder, Inc

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Thanks Ranks is Now All a-Twitter

Greetings, Friends of The Thanks Ranks. How have you been?

I have been well, in a period of adjustment. I don't know when this all happened, but all of a sudden, I'm the mother to a 4 1/2 year-old pre-K Big Boy, who's a budding tech geek that I have to fight for time on the computer ("It's my turn, Mommy! Can I get on the computer now, pleeeeease?!). Remember "Thankful Thursdays at 3:00"? Well now, it's "Thankful Mondays through Fridays at 3:00" that find me in the carpool line to pick him up from school, 'cause if I'm any later than 3:15 p.m., he's headed to aftercare and I'm being charged a fee.

I'm also running around after Baby Girl, who's not so much a baby anymore at all, but a 2 year-old toddler with a personality that fits her Leo birth sign to a T. This girl is fearless, knows what she wants, tells you about it (yes, she is TALKING!) and goes for it. Naptime is not nearly as frequent or long as it used to be, and now we're entering the brave new world of Potty Training. To say she keeps me on my toes is an understatement.

Then there is Hubby Honey--my rock who challenges me to explore my best self. We have laughed, cried and hustled together over the last 5 months since he was let go from his job. You want to see what your marriage is made of? Try living in this current U.S. economy not having bankable steady income from either of you coming into your household and see how you manage and relate to each other... Tested, we have grown stronger than ever. And through it all, I remain grateful that the hand of God has been over us and optimistic that we will come to a triumphant "for richer" completion of this "for poorer" journey.

And finally, there is me. The Thanks Ranks was created at a time when I was struggling to define my personal purpose and direction. I am pleased to say that over these last almost two years, clarity has slowly but surely come. And I've been busy acting upon what's been revealed to me, with favorable results that are almost terrifying. But I'm feeling the fear and doing it anyway. And the practice of writing on and maintaining The Thanks Ranks has been instrumental in preparing me for this new stage.

So in a time where "Change" is a word of hope and optimism that has been a key theme, I find "change" occurring as it relates to necessary adjustments being made to the time (or lack thereof) I devote to The Thanks Ranks.

I have been trying to determine what that change should look like, as being grateful and adding things to The Thanks Ranks is not a habit I want to abandon. Plus, this blog has become a means through which I've made and kept up with friends. So I don't want to lose that either.

Jott, my last blog post, has become a "not", given their latest news of charging per post. Thanks, but no thanks. See paragraph #4. :-) But I've discovered a new tool that just may be the ticket: Twitter.

With Twitter, I am able to post "mini" blog entries--of 140 characters or less. Just quick little blurbs, long enough to let you know what I'm adding to The Thanks Ranks at the moment, with a link to more details if applicable.

So I invite you now to the top left corner of this blog, where you'll see that "The Thanks Ranks is All a-Twitter". There, you'll be able to see my real-time additions, and even click on the link that will lead you to the entire host of what I'm grateful for during any given period.

Welcome to The Thanks Ranks - Reloaded. I've enjoyed our journey together, and hope you'll continue along with me as I tweet about my gratitude through Twitter.

Much love and gratitude to you all. 'Change' has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

There's a way I can blog from my mobile phone!

Oh, this is going to make my blogging life so much easier...

I tried it earlier this a.m. and there's a bug with Blogger I've got to figure out (oh, who am I kidding... Hubby Honey's going to figure it out for me--LOL), but once that's taken care of, I'll be Jotting away!

So for providing an easy way for me to reconnect and stay current with my TTR peeps, has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Soledad and CNN

Getting ready to watch "Black in America" on CNN. I live for these kinds of conversations/dialogues. Don't know what to expect, but watch today and tomorrow. If you want to talk about it, consider me a willing participant.

A conversation that's been a long time coming on a national stage has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


My children crack me up. First of all, I'm not nearly on the computer as much as I used to be, because now, I have to share it with Big Boy, who tries to muscle me out of the way, so he can, "do his work". Lately, his "work" consists of checking out Pixar's Wall-e site. He can't get enough of it.

They're really coming into their own personalities now, at 41/2 and oh-so-close-to-two years old. And I'm realizing that, as they're getting older, there's a whole lot less crying going on at any given time in my house. Now, they can actually articulate what they want or need or are unhappy about, without the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Ah, I can see sweet peace on the horizon... almost didn't think I'd see the day.

Lately, there have just been silly sayings, songs and actions that lead up to an all out chucklefest between us. Baby Girl tries her hardest to be the loudest among us with her exaggerated, "AH HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Her attempt launches Big Boy and me into a whole 'nother fit of laughter.

I'm savoring these moments between us, because I know, from what the experienced folks tell me, the period will come when they'll be too cool to laugh themselves silly with their Mommy. Instead of tears from laughing so hard, there will be eyerolls at such "lame" behavior.

So until that time, I'll fully embrace the belly laughs. They're good for the soul, they've been long overdue and they've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Bella - The Movie

I'm drawn to this for reasons obvious to those who know me. The reviews are mixed, but folks at Toronto International Film Festival liked it in 2006, so I'll add it to my NetFlix list and check it out anyway. What do you think?

How did I miss this anyway? Oh well, Diane de Beer, SA film critic, for bringing this movie to my attention, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Happy 4th, my fellow Americans, and an equally beautiful day to the rest of you fine folks.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Writer Mama: Christina Katz

While in Baltimore this past weekend, I by happenstance (but then again, is there such a thing?) found myself in Books-A-Million before heading to the airport. While looking for a playwriting book, I instead came across this one:

Writer Mama: How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids by Christina Katz.

I almost had to pick myself up off the floor when I discovered it in the stacks. This is precisely the topic I've been recently tossing around in my brain, with a moniker similar to the one I've been crafting for myself. Cue the "Twilight Zone" theme music...

Needless to say, I got the message that this was the book I needed to buy, and it's chock full of really useful information. It's too good not to share with you now, if you too are into this kind of thing.

Christina Katz, for writing the how-to manual to help me profitably pursue my writing interests and afford my goal of being freely available for my kids, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Oh, and happy 38th anniversary, Mom and Poppy! You're still smokin', and I love ya for it! :-)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bridal Shower Buddy Bliss

I've been out of pocket the last few weeks working on a couple projects, one of them being putting the final touches on the planning for my dear friend's bridal shower that took place this past weekend.

A much appreciated getaway to my old beloved stomping grounds from college days, seeing some of my buddies (I'll be back in September to see the rest of you, I promise!), all the pieces coming together the day-of, Kim and crew at Country Inn & Suites, returning to Hubby-Honey and the kids with limbs and the house still intact and FUN have just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Bride-to-Be, I hope you're not upset by my putting you on blast, but gratitude is gratitude. ;-)

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Poppy's Guardian Angels

So I've been sprucing up around the house--planting here, container gardening there, adding flowers in the front, rescreening, painting and creating an "outdoor room" on the patio in the back...

With all the changes (inspired by the new roof we had to bite the bullet and get--no more squirrel scampering--yea!) I thought a new mailbox was also in order.

My brilliant, handy dad was over yesterday afternoon to take the old one off and install the new one on the post for me.

Now, my street is a relatively quiet one. It's on a circle, so the only traffic is essentially the neighbors. And on a Friday early afternoon, the flow is almost non-existent.

But not at the moment Poppy was on the street installing the mailbox. A car speedily rounded the corner onto the circle and came careening toward my father a little too recklessly and close for comfort. Thankfully, he's still a fit and nimble guy for his age, and he was able to jump out of the way to safety.

Soon on the car's heels was a tentative police cruiser. Poppy put two and two together and rigorously motioned to the cop the direction in which the car had gone. It was then was off in hot pursuit, and judging by the sirens and sounds of commotion on the other side of the circle, he got the car that had tried to duck him.

Now, I'm going to have to truthfully bare darkness here for a minute, because I tell you what--had that car hit my father and run off, I would have hunted down the driver and beaten him/her down with everything I had.

Whew. OK, now with that honest, knee-jerk reaction moment passed, I will say I'm SO grateful that it didn't have to come to that, and that Poppy's guardian angels have just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

And the new mailbox looks really good on its perch!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


"Living to see the day," as my great-grandmother used to say, has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thai Food

I'm sorry, but it's been so long since I've been out...

I still have the yummy lunch I had at my first time visit to Rama 5 yesterday on my mind. Portions so big I came out with a doggie bag. That doesn't usually happen when I go Thai.

Good food and the pleasure I am able to take in good company have just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Mystery illness/infection and its adverse affects gone, and a new and improved routine have just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother Goose

This is one of those reasons why we realize we really need to get another digital camera to replace our beloved one that bit the dust...

We've got a pond behind our house at which geese hang out and frequent. Don't really know how they do, but they do.

Well, this morning, as Hubby-Honey and I were enjoying our morning tea, I saw, emerging from the path to the pond, the "two regulars". But then, as I looked more closely, I saw with them six fluffballs moving along... goslings!

It was the most precious thing. We let Baby Girl sleep, but we figured Big Boy might find this sight most entertaining, so we woke him up.

He watched in wonder, and like everything else of late, had 20 questions for their every move. Hubby-Honey and I patiently took turns and responded to each one.

As we watched them from the window, my baby studying the Momma Goose's babies, and the Momma Goose instinctively, protectively watching us, I could have sworn, for a moment, we locked eyes with each other.

"Happy Mother's Day," I told her. And, if I were one to "speak goose", I'd imagine that she responded, "Right back at ya," in her squawk.

Moms--geese moms and otherwise--have just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 05, 2008

A New Week, Alive and Well in Atlanta

Frankly, this past week was a bit on the challenging side.

Thankfully, the Sunday before last I'd seen In Darfur at Horizon Theatre and was deeply moved by this play by Winter Miller. The theater gave out these wristbands, and after signing letters to legislators and picking up material, I was more than compelled to take a band and wear it.

Which was very timely, because as I went on to live out the rest of the week, when things weren't seemingly going my way, all I had to do was take a look at the green reminder on my right wrist.

Instantly I'd think, "OK, this isn't terrific, but, I'm not a woman living in Darfur, grieving a husband and son that have been murdered by the heartless madmen of the Janjaweed, or holding on for dear life after I and my daughter have been ambushed and gang-raped by said militia men while searching for firewood at night, or starving for just a bite to eat or a little water to take the taste of dry dirt out of my mouth after my whole village has been burned and reduced to nothing and all I have left are the tattered clothes on my broken body...

I know, not the most pleasant things to read about or consider on a Monday, but these are what many are dealing with today, right this moment. Bet they wish they didn't have to consider them either, but sadly, they do.

So last week, before I'd go to chugging straight from my big ol' bottle of "whine", I'd stop, look at my wrist, and instead say a prayer for the women in Darfur.

I got through, and though I really couldn't bring myself to blogging about it, I was able to count and think on those little things I do have that I sometimes take for granted.

And now, today, I have a promise of a new week. Last week, in retrospect, seems not so bad. Time heals. Mine were merely surface wounds of the flesh. For those in Darfur, they are more deeply of the spirit. To say it's going to take a little longer for them is an understatement.

So perhaps you'll join me in saying a prayer for them too, or learning a little more about their plight and doing something, anything, just to say, "I hear, and I want to help." Or, if you get the opportunity, go see In Darfur.

Who knows, maybe my experience of a not-so-fabulous last week was meant for me to have my say here now, so someone can be helped elsewhere later.

The reminder that sometimes, it's not all about me, has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Silly Boy Fun

Spring Fever, part III:

This time, as experienced by the males in my household, plus my brother visiting for the weekend...

Family sophomoric humor has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Peach Mango Iced Tea

Spring fever, continued... Kirsten, don't hate me because it's 80 degrees today with sunshine. ;-)

Strolling with a friend down Main Street in historic Stone Mountain Village yesterday, we came across this sign in the window that we couldn't resist.

"Refreshing Peach Mango Iced Tea. Come in and try some!"

We did, and after paying a mere $5.33 for two large cups, we delighted in this nectar-of-the-gods tea that is still on my mind almost 24 hours later.

I'm trying to resist making the drive and getting some more today. I think I've found my Summer Love 2008 beverage already in spring.

Continental Coffee & Sweets, if it's got high fructose corn syrup in it, I don't want to know. You've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Spring Fever

I've got it. Bad.

Love, love this weather we've been enjoying in Atlanta. Perfect day for celebrating Earth Day.

Green goodness has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Literate Friends

Having great friends is a wonderful thing. Having great friends who also read is the best thing ever. 'Cause they share things with me that I might have otherwise missed, and these are often things that speak to or resonate with me, and then I'm all the better for it.

I have a number of terrific friends who are readers (guess as they say, "like attracts like"), but today I'm thinking of one in particular who dropped some knowledge on me this past Sunday that I'm still chewing on, and I love that.

For keeping me real and simple, Traci, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Happy 14th B-day, Ryan! Where did my baby godson go?!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Bluehost and Hubby-Honey

Hello! Great to be back. Are you even still out there visiting? I hope so.

The Thanks Ranks blog and my corresponding email have been down for the last week due to a really lousy merger and acquisition of my old host by a new, very unhelpful one. We had to take matters into our own hands and go elsewhere.

So to my new friends at Bluehost and my tech-savvy Hubby-Honey who wears an 'S' on his chest under his pocket protector ;-), for getting me “live” again, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Friday, April 04, 2008

The Opening Scene of The Lion King Musical

The Lion King roared into Atlanta last night, and Hubby-Honey and I got a chance to see it.

I first saw it on Broadway almost 5 years ago, but I was pregnant with Big Boy and more concerned with if I could hang on and wait 'til intermission before disturbing folks with my needing to make a run for the restroom. So it was nice to experience it this time around without such distractions.

Both times, I got so choked up at the opening scene. It's just... beautiful.

If you've never seen The Lion King and you get the chance, go. This gives you a sense of what it's like, but really, you have to be sitting in the midst of it to really get the full affect.

Getting a second chance to take in sheer pageantry and artistic brilliance has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Lessons from a Four-Dollar Face Lift

I rolled the dice, and got snake-eyes.

Actually, I got one eyebrow that's thinner than the other and an expression that looks half angry and half quizzical.

My lessons are:

1) A $4 eyebrow threading at a salon is NOT a better deal than a $15 eyebrow threading at a spa if you come out looking like the Joker.

2) You get what you pay for.

3) Wearing a paper bag over my head with the eye and mouth holes cut out is not going to work, because it scares my children.

4) It's only hair and it will (hopefully), over time, grow back.

Justifiction for returning the spa for the sake of my pleasant appearance has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Hubby-Honey's Home!

After being in New York since Thursday, helping his mom get wired with her new computer and easing her onto the information superhighway with the rest of us, Hubby-Honey has returned home safely.

Commence to Big Boy, Baby Girl and me doing a happy dance. Single moms: my hat's off to you.

Being reunited has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Rock Monster

This is courtesy of Big Boy and Baby Girl. Fair warning: it is going to play incessantly in your head after you hear it.

Rockin' out with my kids has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Stone Mountain Ministerial Association

My kind of Easter service. No fancy 'do or duds required--just a warm family huddle. And the kids were occupied by the magnificence of nature ("Bye-bye moon! Hello sun!"). All followed by sweet slumber and a relaxed afternoon.

For a new Easter family tradition, Stone Mountain sunrise service, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Happy Easter, everyone!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ms. Rena Belle

Today my friend Theresa buried her 80 year-old mother.

The service was a celebration of life. In the midst of her grieving process, Theresa gave the family's acknowledgements in her own unique, "Big Love" manner.

Though people had attended to show support for her and her family, Theresa, in her typical fashion, ended up giving us all a gift to go home with, and I'll share it with you.

It was her admonishment to make the most of the time you have, right NOW, to:

* let those you love know you love them,
* address grievances and grow past them,
*call, write, visit, thank those you've been meaning to...

so that when the time comes (and you don't know when), and you or they are the "guest of honor" at such a ceremony, you can have the peace that comes in saying goodbye with a conscious that knows all that was left to said and do was said and done--with love.

And hence, you will be able to experience joy in the midst of grief, and celebrate in the midst of mourning, because you made the most of the moments together you had.

Perhaps no easy undertaking, but well worth it in the end, don't you think?

I do, judging by the way Theresa was able to stand at that podium with a smile and share these words with us. There was no denying that although she will miss her mother, she will be able to go forward knowing in her spirit that the time they were blessed with was time well spent. She has the loving memories to prove it.

For the reminder to give folks their flowers while they're still here, Ms. Rena Belle and Theresa, you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

First Day of Spring

Next to the first day of summer, to me, it's the most wonderful time of the year, and it's just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

House Spared

My beloved Atlanta was hit pretty hard this weekend with unfathomable tornado activity.

Friday night into Saturday morning made for a scary, stormy time that had even the best of us "brave adults" a little rattled.

Then to have daylight reveal the damage, and to spend a good part of Saturday afternoon playing "dodge the tornado activity in metro Atlanta--Round II" after we'd tried to get out and get on with our day--ducking for cover in the mall, at my folks' house, anywhere with lower level covering--it was all a little much.

But what really, really, did it was for my family to drive around familiar neighborhoods of those we love today and see trees and roots where they didn't belong, and roofs and walls missing from where they ought to be. It broke my heart.

I ache and pray for those who were affected. I am humbled and grateful beyond words that our house was spared. Can't even give a cutesy, "Just been added..." ending this time around, but my gratitude is deep.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Organic Valley Milk on Sale at Publix

Adjusting to our new status with Hubby-Honey not working in the traditional sense to which we were accustomed, I have to be a little more selective with what I purchase on my "Whole Foods runs".

This morning, it was Publix Super Markets proving itself worthy of my purchasing dollars, with Organic Valley milk half-gallons on sale for $3.29. Big Boy and Baby Girl want their "special" and "choco" milk--they don't care where it comes from, so long as it's in the fridge when they're asking for it.

Big Boy had his "Trike-A-Thon" at school today. "Milk makes me strong and healthy!" he exclaimed at breakfast this morning. The secret to his pedaling success, I guess? Milk in place, meltdown avoided, a triumphant trike-a-thon tale this afternoon.

Organics at a bargain and biking at its best has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Human Who?

Human 'being' or human 'doing'?

Given this inspired word, I do believe I've been a human 'doing'. I want to change that, moving into my 'being'ness.

This realization, and the joyful shift it has brought about has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

More to come in this space. Getting back to basics. It feels good.

Happy Birthday, Little Mai!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Spring Forward!

Daylight Savings Time has just been added to The Thanks Ranks!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


I just took a look at my blog for the first time in a long time. Read through some old posts--things I never looked at after writing them. In reading them now, I can't believe how quickly a year plus has flown by, and yet I note just how much has occurred in such a seemingly short time.

I'm a little saddened now by what I could be missing out on this time next year, given all the gaps that have appeared in The Thanks Ranks in recent months. What to do? Start again--today. And then start again--tomorrow. And then start again--the day after that...

It's not so much what I was writing about (one day it was dishware, for crying out loud!), it was the fact that I was writing. It's time to reclaim that again, for myself.

'Recommitment' has just been added to The Thanks Ranks. I don't care if it's not a real word. It works for me and I'll use it. :-)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

B-day Credit Where Credit is Due

Ma B,

If it weren't for you, I'd have no Hubby-Honey to celebrate. That was a fine thing you did, birthing him 40 years ago today. I appreciate it. You've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.


And again, to all of you who recently or way back when decided to join the movement to help put him in pinstripes, I thank you deeply. A round of Thanks Ranks for everyone!!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Just Do It

Those whose historical hard-fought efforts make it possible for me to cast my vote and make my voice heard today have just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

And if you don't know, now you'll know...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Technical Difficulties

"At this time there are no web audio servers available. We will try again shortly."

This is what the pleasant-voiced recorded lady has been repeating to me ever since I first attempted to dial in and start my weekly 3:00 p.m. Thursday podcast show, "Thanks Ranks Radio".

In all my time doing the show--and it soon will be one year--this has never happened. Freezed out from airing? Huh?

It's just a testament to how much has grown. Good for them, though today, too bad for me.

There was a time, maybe two years ago, where I would have been having an anal, it's not perfect, freak-out moment over this. Now, ever more increasingly, I just go with the flow.

The reminder that sometimes, whatever will be, will be, has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Potty Mouth

Hey! Happy New Year!

The toilet in our master bath has been running.

Here comes Eric Stromer, right on time, with an online video to tell us how to D-I-Y fix it. Hence, he's just been added to The Thanks Ranks., Inc.