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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Yes, I'm Still Grateful

Hi Thanks Ranks Reader Friends!

I've been under under the weather since Saturday, and my entire family has fallen suit in a domino effect. Taking care of myself, to take care of them, to doing "just one thing" that I have on my calendar, turns into a relapse, where I'm sick again.

At first it was the chills and fever, then a cold, and now, I think allergies. But usually, I get a case of the flu once a year, and this year, due to a flu shot, I really do believe I have been spared. So I take this time as being simply that--"just my time" to take ill.

For all of you who have attempted to check in with me, know that although there haven't been any posts to The Thanks Ranks this week, I have indeed experienced things for which I am grateful. They include:

A surprise visit from Denise by way of Tuscaloosa, AL; a helpful tip that I successfully employed from Sienna for taking care of pimples with Colgate; the finds I found at Finders Keepers; a sunny Atlanta afternoon enjoyed child-free on Debby's new screened in porch for a couple of hours (thanks to Bridget and Shawn); and the discovery of Amy Winehouse.

I say to them and to you--for your kind concern--you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

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