Spa Finder, Inc

Thursday, January 25, 2007

(Wo)Man in the Mirror

OK, so with this entry, I'm going to tell myself that no one reads The Thanks Ranks. ;-)

In 2006, Hubby-Honey and I made the conscious decision to not watch television in our home for the entire year. That's another post for another day. But I mention it to say that although we've relaxed our stance in 2007, we've grown so accustomed to not watching it that we still really don't, even though we're now "allowed".

But yesterday, I was compelled to tune in to Oprah and watch her episode on "What Five Words Describe Your Marriage?". And in doing so, I received what I'll call THE A-HA MOMENT SMACKDOWN, in which I realized some things about me that unearthed some things I'd never considered about myself, but now couldn't escape because a great, big full-length mirror was being placed in front of me.

To add insult to injury--or irony--two of the three women in the three couples featured (brave, crazy souls--I give them a lot of credit) were named Lisa. And dare I admit, they had a few personality, ahem, "challenges" with which I could identify. Yeah, S-M-A-C-K-D-O-W-N.

So while I continue this hard but necessary and beneficial look at myself, and brace myself for what I wonder might be "part two" with today's episode, "Thirty-Something in America", I challenge you to consider the Spiritual Partnership Guidelines presented by Dr. Gary Zukov, and see if anything resonates with you, in any of your relationships.

I'm chalking all this up to, "be careful what you wish for...," but I am truly grateful for the pills I'm having to swallow. My marriage, my parenting, and all my relationships will be all the better for the work I'm willing to do.

So yeah, thanks Oprah and Gary Zukov, for raisin' up, flipping my inner world and twisting it 'round my head like a helicopter (some of you will get that, ha-ha-ha), but more importantly, thank you Hubby-Honey, for loving me in all my "stuff", and being the best partner God could have ever blessed me with. Yeah, I ended that sentence in a preposition, and you know what? I see that it's OK.

For all of you in relationship with me, you've just been added to The Thank Ranks.


Kirsten said...

Even though I missed almost the entire episode, I'm very pleased to you see that you have included this in The Thanks Ranks.

My husband and I have worked very hard to recognize all the challenges that marriage and oneness can bring...and doing so from a place of love. It will be a life long process as we all change and grow. Gary Zukov did a nice job a of giving a solid foundation from which we can build a "healthy" marriage/partnership.
Granted, this is if we are honest with ourselves and the role we play.

I do not consider myself a Christian, however, my husband truly has Jesus in his heart. This show reminded me of Ephesians 5:22-26. Although this has room for diffenent interpretations, mine is that of a true committment and oneness. My husband and I have recently come to see that we have accomplished this with a deep devotion towards one another.

This doesn't simplify marriage or life. It won't always be easy. How else will we ever grow if we never see hard times?

Kirsten said...

Even though I missed almost the entire episode, I'm very pleased to you see that you have included this in The Thanks Ranks.

My husband and I have worked very hard to recognize all the challenges that marriage and oneness can bring...and doing so from a place of love. It will be a life long process as we all change and grow. Gary Zukov did a nice job a of giving a solid foundation from which we can build a "healthy" marriage/partnership.
Granted, this is if we are honest with ourselves and the role we play.

I do not consider myself a Christian, however, my husband truly has Jesus in his heart. This show reminded me of Ephesians 5:22-26. Although this has room for diffenent interpretations, mine is that of a true committment and oneness. My husband and I have recently come to see that we have accomplished this with a deep devotion towards one another.

This doesn't simplify marriage or life. It won't always be easy. How else will we ever grow if we never see hard times?, Inc.