Spa Finder, Inc

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Wonder-Fun from My Inner Birthday Girl

While I usually take the weekends off, you know I wasn't going to pass up seeing today's date on my blog in print. ;-)

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending a GOAL luncheon, during which I was challenged from the podium to recall my little girl within--what she used to do, what she used to be into--and see if perhaps there weren't some "buried" parts of her that were worth my excavating for the examination/celebration of the adult woman that I am now.

And when I thought about it, I remember me thinking, as a young, child-of-the-70's girl, that I could do/be anything I wanted.

I could save the world, make people tell the truth, fly under the radar but get where I wanted with ease, deflect bullets meant to harm me, turn folks around or bring them back with a flick of my wrist--because there was some lady on TV named "Wonder Woman" who did that. And if she could, why couldn't I?

So in the spirit of reviving that sense of being strong and limitless, I give you this funky little memory-evoking ode to Wonder Woman that makes the little girl in me jump up and cheer.

All that over the years that has made my life what it is today has just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

Here's to Act II, Scene One.

And Happy Mother's day, Mom. Happy Father's Day, Poppy. ;-)


Kirsten said...


Mrs. McLellan said...

But did you have the Wonder Woman Underoos. Those made the Invisible Plane appear. Ok, maybe not, but a girl can dream! Happy Birthday.

Grateful Lisa said...

Thanks, Kirsten!

And Kellie, YES!!!! I did have the Wonder Woman Underoos! Did you have them too? I didn't know that those made the invisible plane appear. Maybe it WAS there, and we just didn't know it because it was, well, INVISIBLE! :-), Inc.