Spa Finder, Inc

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Lip Service

I came across this site, firstkissproject, last night. I found it ironic because today marks the 21st anniversary of my first kiss.

I toyed with the idea of submitting my story to the project, but decided that 350 words was more detail than I cared to go into on the matter.

Suffice to say that 21 years ago today, after sending a candygram to my homeroom earlier that morning that professed his "like" for me, RH (a senior), walked me (a freshman--scandalous!) to the girls' locker room, where I was headed to change for winter track practice. He planted one on me just before I entered the door, while "Tender Love" by Force MD's played over the afterschool radio PA system. 'Twas an awkward and surreal moment that, obviously, I've never forgotten.

And yes, you read right, it took me getting all the way to high school before I had my first kiss.

Stop laughing.

Fast forward 21 years and I have no idea where RH is now, but today I did receive kisses of varying sorts from 3 out of the top 4 men in my life: Hubby-Honey, my poppy and my little guy, who I have to say, must dole out the best 2 and 3/4 year-old sugar in all the land. My #4 guy gets honorable mention because he sent his affection in another way--having a TMX Elmo delivered to his nephew this evening by the kind UPS man.

Ain't love grand?

Kisses--past, present and future--you've just been added to The Thanks Ranks.

1 comment:

first kiss team said...

We here at First Kiss Project just found this post! We'd love to publish your story. 350 words is the recommended maximum, but shorter stories are welcome.

Please reconsider!


The First Kiss Team, Inc.